Social Media Marketing became so much popular nowadays. Even most of the Qatar based companies have their own Social Media Accounts. Unfortunately most of them don’t know the proper way of promoting the pages rather posting small articles along with mobile cached pictures. Learn more
On the other hand client management and quarry management is rather poor than their content posting activity. We did extensive survey on 50+ Qatar based companies who are maintaining their own social media accounts with at least weekly activity. We found 1 out of 53 companies are doing in just as like conventional one sided advertisement. So they are missing the chance of direct engagements with their audience.
5 out of rest 52 companies are actually very active and they frequently post images and videos to show their audience how good they are doing. But again they are missing another key point. Among all the contents videos and pictures get less amount of attraction so that very poor engagement. On the other hand text contents are now getting the most traction hence better engagement.
How we do Social Media Marketing?
Synergy hired some dedicated and savvy social media experts who knows how to leverage your business through social media for enhancing web appearance while making a direct relation between the end users of your services and the business controllers. Meanwhile we also generate high quality contents. Either articles or pictures or even the videos. We are creating all sort of contents for social promotion.
We also know the time slots when Qatar awakes and head for the social activities via social media sites. We also manage the social media promotional activities both in English and Arabic. So the Social Media Marketing service we are providing is packaged everything within a single bundle. We also customize the accounts for getting better ranks in its own platforms.
Our disaster management, reputation management and Social Media marketing tweaking is more discussed in another section on Social Media Accounts Management. Contact us